A Letter to Our Customers
To the customers that have decided to still shop with us, I would like to extend a special thank you to you all. As we are living through trying and emotional times I know that making a decision to purchase non-essential items may not be an easy one, or at least a decision that you are not taking lightly. I want you to know that here at Thought Process Boutique we are doing everything to ensure the safety of employees and customers alike as the business cannot survive without either entity. Here are some of the guidelines that have been set forth by myself based on the recommendations of the local government:
Social distancing within the fulfillment center - currently it is only myself.
Each item is individually wrapped in its own plastic bag and will remain in its packaging through processing.
Orders are processed individually while wearing gloves - for extra protection.
Packages are sent via USPS - delivered to a local post office with protective gear in place.
I want to thank you again for supporting Thought Process Boutique as “Shop Small” has become a widely popular socially conscience movement in the past few weeks, and although small, this company is mighty. I can’t express enough how your continued support will only allow growth once we are all able to resume life as normal - or whatever the new normal may be. Safety and health are the main priority of ALL persons in association with Thought Process Boutique and it will ALWAYS come first. Please stay safe and follow the guidelines of your local government to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Stay Safe,
Thought Process Boutique